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Erasmus Programme

Erasmus+ is the European Commission's programme for education, training, youth and sport, which aims to contribute to skills strengthening and employability and to support the modernisation of education, training and youth systems in all areas of lifelong learning (higher education, vocational education and training, adult education, school education, youth activities, etc.).

International cooperation





Department of Tourism

Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal)


Department of Business Administration and Public Administration

University of Cyprus


Department of Business Administration

Open University of Cyprus


Department of Hotel, Tourism and Events Management

European University of Cyprus


Department of Hotel, Tourism and Events Management

European University of Cyprus


-School of Economic Sciences and Organizations- Escola de Ciências Económicas e das Organizações

European University of Cyprus


Turismo- Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas- Social Sciencies and Law

Universitat Jaume I (Spain)


Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas- Social Sciencies and Law-Business Administration-Admintistracion de Empesas

Universitat Jaume I (Spain)


Department of Business Administration

Instabul Ayvansaray University (Turkey)


Department of Economics

University of Urbino


Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism

University of Krugujevac (Serbia)


Hospitality and Tourism Managemente

Internapa College of Cyprus

Scoring Criteria

The scoring criteria for participation of undergraduate, postgraduate students and PhD candidates in the Erasmus programme are the following:

A. Undergraduate students

  1. Applicants must have citizenship of a country participating in the program and be enrolled at the Department of Tourism of Ionian University.
  2. First-year undergraduate students are not eligible, but they can apply for mobility during the second year of their studies.
  3. Regarding language proficiency, the language (s) required and the level of qualification in that language (s) shall be at least B1 in the languages required by the host institution, unless otherwise specified by the institution.
  4. Candidates have to demonstrate high motivation to participate in the Program.
  5. Applications from students participating for the first time in the programme, applying for mobility in the second year of their studies are prioritized. Subsequently, the applications of students who participate for the first time in the program and apply for mobility during the third year of their studies are examined. Then, the applicants for mobility during the fourth year of study that apply for the first time are examined.
  6. Special provisions will apply per year of study.

Scoring criteria for undergraduate students

A. Performance criteria

  • Average grade of course performance multiplied by ten (10).
  • Total ECTS credits of successfully passed courses multiplied by 1.

B. Language proficiency criteria

  • Foreign languages: level of language proficiency as defined by the Council of Europe. More specifically:
    • Level B1: 10 credits
    • Level B2: 15 credits
    • Level C1: 20 credits
    • Level C2: 25 credits

         Only certificates recognised by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) are accepted.

C. Motivation

  • Motives for participation in the programme (motivation letter) and justification - maximum 5 credits.
  • Interview (maximum 5 credits). The interview will be conducted by the Erasmus Committee of the Department of Tourism.

The total credits for the ranking are derived from the sum of A+B+C.

B. Postgraduate students

Postgraduate students choose workload in ECTS credits that corresponds to their dissertation or part of it. Alternatively, workload in ECTS credits corresponding to courses of the Master's Degree Programme they attend may be selected. For any of the above two options, a relevant certificate should be issued upon the initial completion of LA by the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Program. The Director's certificate must state that the student's transfer abroad under the Erasmus programme is approved and that the programme to be followed by the candidate will be part of the postgraduate programme (with the exact number of ECTS credits) and will count to the total time of his/her studies. The selection of candidates is based on their ranking of admission to the Postgraduate Program. The knowledge of foreign languages provides the same credits as those provided in the mobility of undergraduate students.

Therefore, the criteria apply as follows:

B1. Performance criteria

  • Total credits/score of admission assessment

Β2. B. Language proficiency criteria

  • Foreign languages: level of language proficiency as defined by the Council of Europe (only certificates recognised by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) are accepted). More specifically:
    • Level B1: 10 credits
    • Level B2: 15 credits
    • Level C1: 20 credits
    • Level C2: 25 credits

The total credits for the ranking are derived from the sum of B1+B2

C. PhD Candidates

  • PhD candidates of the Department have the opportunity to go abroad under Erasmus programme in order to carry out part of their research work.
  • It is necessary that the PhD Candidate submits a certificate by the supervising Professor, which will state the subject of the thesis and the approval of the Supervisory Committee for the mobility of the PhD candidate abroad within the framework of the Program. It shall be stated in the Supervisor's Certificate that the program to be followed by the PhD candidate will be part of his/her research work (without ECTS credits) for the completion of the doctoral thesis and will be counted to the total time of his/her studies.
  • The last evaluation report on the progress of the PhD candidate submitted by the three-member PhD Thesis Supervisory Committee is taken into account for the selection of the candidates.
  • In case there are more candidates for a particular host institution, priority will be given to the candidate who have made more progress in his/her research, has not exceeded three years since the start of the PhD research, and has submitted his/her annual reports regularly.
  • The evaluation is carried out by the ERASMUS Committee of the Department of Tourism.

Lectures for incoming students

No. Lectures Semester Mode of delivery Mode of assessment
1 Sustainable Development and Tourism 1st No lectures Individual assignment
2 Business Statistics 2nd No lectures Individual assignment
3 Business Operations Management 2nd No lectures Individual assignment
4 Tourism, Culture and Creative Industries 3rd No lectures Individual assignment
5 Tourism Services Marketing 3rd No lectures Individual assignment
6 Human Resource Management in Tourism 4th No lectures Individual assignment
7 Decision Making in Tourism Sector 4th No lectures Individual assignment
8 Tourism Entrepreneurship & SME Management 4th Lectures in English Final exam
9 Financial Management  4th No lectures Individual assignment
10 Risk and Crisis Management in Tourism 5th No lectures Individual assignment
11 Supply Chain Management & Logistics 5th No lectures Individual assignment
12 Tourism and Regional Development  5th No lectures Individual assignment
13 Strategic Management and Analysis 5th No lectures Individual assignment
14 Organizational Behavior and Leadership 5th No lectures Individual assignment
15 Geopolitics and Tourism 6th No lectures Individual assignment
16 Total Quality Management in the Tourism Industry 6th No lectures Individual assignment
17 Special Interest Tourism: Agrotourism - Ecotourism - Culinary Tourism - Ecotourism 7th No lectures Individual assignment
18 Digital Marketing in Tourism 7th Lectures in English Final exam
19 Design and Development of Tourism Digital Services 8th No lectures Individual assignment
20 Big Data Analytics in Tourism 8th No lectures Individual assignment
21 Virtual Worlds and Representation of Tourism and Cultural Resources 8th No lectures Individual assignment
22 Tourist Behaviour 8th No lectures Individual assignment
23 Business Plan Development 8th No lectures Individual assignment


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