Ionian University at International Fair of Thessaloniki - 7-15/09/2024
Posted: 02-09-2024 17:49 | Updated: 08-09-2024 15:36 | Views: 6863
Start: 07-09-2024 |End: 15-09-2024
Ionian University participates for the fourth consecutive year in International Fair of Thessaloniki, which will take place from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September 2024 (TIF - Helexpo, Egnatia 154, Thessaloniki). The Foundation's presence in the previous three years was a great success, making its participation in the event an institution.
12th Conference INSAP 2024 [Ionian Academy, 20-24/5/2024, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 29-06-2023 13:28 | Updated: 14-05-2024 10:50 | Views: 6986
Start: 20-05-2024 |End: 24-05-2024
The ‘INSAP’ meeting [May 20th-24th, 2024] in Ionian Academy - 1, Kapodistriou str., Corfu marks the twelfth in the series of Conferences on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena and will explore humanity’s fascination with the sky by day and by night - which has been a strong and often dominant element in human life and culture.
3rd Project Meeting and 2nd Hybrid Multiplier Event within the framework of the SusTour project
Posted: 10-04-2024 12:53 | Views: 3402
On Thursday 4 and Friday 5 April 2024, the Third Project Meeting of the partners of the SusTour project - "Joint e-course on sustainable management of tourism destinations" financed by Erasmus+ in the axis KA220-HED was successfully held in Corfu. The two-day events were organized by the Ionian University and took place in the Senate Hall at the Ionian Academy (Rectorate of the Ionian University) and the Meeting Room of the Building of the Department of History and the Department of Archival, Librarianship and Museology of the Ionian University (72 Ioanni Theotokis Street) respectively.
Invitation to the Second Dissemination Event of the Project SusTour [5/4/204]
Posted: 03-04-2024 20:42 | Views: 3089
Important Date: 05-04-2024
In the framework of the Erasmus Plus project "Joint e-Course on the Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations" named "SusTour" in which the Ionian University participates as a partner with the academic responsible, Assistant Professor of the Department of Tourism Dr Naoum Mylonas, will be held in Corfu on Friday, April 5, 2024, the Second Dissemination Event of the Project, entitled "Challenges in Sustainable Tourism".
Joint actions of the Faculty of Agriculture (Aristotle University) and the Department of Tourism (Ionian University) on educational excursion
Posted: 30-05-2023 12:58 | Views: 1272
On the occasion of the educational excursion of the Department of Agricultural Economics of the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Corfu on 11-13 May 2023, faculty members and students of the Department of Tourism had the opportunity to meet with the educational staff and trainees during educational activities, aiming at constructive dialogue, as well as the exchange of ideas and opinions.
Research & Innovation in tourism: meeting of tourism stakeholders in the Department of Tourism
Posted: 30-03-2023 12:02 | Views: 3517
The Department of Tourism of the Ionian University organized on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, a meeting inviting all tourism stakeholders, in order to discuss issues related to tourism in Corfu and the region of Ionian Islands and specifically research and innovation in tourism with the aim of activating the new "Regional Smart Specialization Strategy".
Invitation to the International Conference «Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage, and Sustainable Development» [21/3/2023, Corfu, Greece]
Posted: 16-03-2023 12:37 | Updated: 16-03-2023 18:34 | Views: 5190
Important Date: 21-03-2023
As part of the "IRSCHEN" research project, the international conference on "Digital Technologies, Common European Cultural Heritage, and Sustainable Development" is being organized on March 21, 2023 at the Event Hall "Evi Laskari" of the Public Central Historical Library of Corfu (English Barracks - Old Fort, Historical City of Corfu).
11th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues 12-14 July 2023, Corfu
Posted: 20-02-2023 16:37 | Views: 3545
The 11th ICCMI travels to the island of Corfu. The Conference will be held between the 12-14 of July 2023. We invite academics, practitioners and students from around the world to participate.
28th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference (Corfu, October 19-21, 2022)
Posted: 22-09-2022 12:34 | Updated: 15-10-2022 14:34 | Views: 10524
Webinars by HEAL-Link: how to publish Open Access with Wiley
Posted: 24-05-2022 10:12 | Views: 11890
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