Human Resource Management
Teaching Staff: Kloutsiniotis Panagiotis
Course Code: MNG130
Course Category: General Background
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Lectures
Semester: 4th
Total Hours: 4
Teaching Structure:
Activity | Semester Workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Literature Study and Analysis | 73 |
Course Total (ECTS: 5) | 125 |
Short Description:
The specific course aims to present the theoretical knowledge, the appropriate methods and techniques with regard to employees’ management. These issues include Human Resource Management (HRM) practices that include “recruitment” and “selection”; “training”; “development”, “performance management”, etc. All in all, the specific course helps students identify and acknowledge the complexity behind Human Resource Management in the tourism and hospitality sector.
- 1st week: Introduction. Basic management principles. The complexities of the tourism and hospitality industry. Introduction to the Human Resource Management (HRM).
- 2nd Week: HRM goals. The HRM department, the role of HRM and its efficiency. Presentation of case studies with regard to High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and its effects on employees’ productivity and organizational performance.
- 3rd Week: HRM process. The psychological contract. Psychological contract violation / breach. The HRM – productivity relationship. The “black-box”.
- 4th Week: Introduction to Strategic HRM. Presentation of the various SHRM approaches.
- 5th Week: HRM practices. “Recruitment”. Introduction to “job analysis”. Case studies.
- 6th Week: “Job description” and “personal qualifications”. Issues and ways to overcome them.
- 7th Week: Human Resources planning. Ways to predict labour demand and supply.
- 8th Week: “Selection”. Introduction. Writing CV and cover letter.
- Homework. Writing a CV and a cover letter
- 9th Week: “Employment”.
- 10th Week: “Training and development”
- 11th Week: “Performance Management”. Possible issues, conducting a “performance management” interview.
- 12th Week: Bonuses and rewards; motivation planning.
- 13th Week: Students’ presentations.
Suggested Bibliography:
Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινων Πόρων, Αναστασία Α. Κάτου (Α’/2017, κωδικός: 68402697)
Teaching Methods:
In person
New Technologies:
- Slideshow (powerpoint) during courses
- Use of e-class (opencourses)
- All Lectures are uploaded at the end of each session
- Homeworks and case studies are uploaded in pdf format.
- Use of supportive material (e.g., case studies) in order to comprehend in depth the relevant knowledge
Evaluation Methods:
Final exams that include
- Multiple choice questions / true or false
- Open questions
Student’s participation during courses that include
- case studies
- homeworks
SECRETARIAT72 I. Theotoki str, 1st Floor
(+30) 26610 87960, 87961, 87962