Sharing Economy
Teaching Staff: Argyropoulou Maria
Course Code: ECO130
Course Category: Specific Background
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Lectures
Semester: 7th
Total Hours: 4
Teaching Structure:
Activity | Semester Workload |
Lectures | 52 |
Literature Study and Analysis | 73 |
Course Total (ECTS: 5) | 125 |
This course provides an introduction to the sharing economy and examines its impact on the tourism industry (businesses and consumers). The development of a common economy in many industries underscores the challenges and opportunities while providing a range of options for delivering innovative experiences from consumers. Focusing on new sharing economy ventures (see Kickstarter, Uber, Airbnb), participants will be taught concepts, models and financial principles that are useful for analyzing new market dynamics, creating a new venture, expanding existing ventures. activities and the development of sustainable strategies.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to understand the principles and concepts of sharing economy and will have acquired knowledge about different sharing economy business models, such as peer-to-peer, business-to-peer and hybrid models. They will have studied successful business ventures of the sharing economy in order to better understand the strategies and challenges that exist. Students will also be able to critically examine the economic and social impacts of the sharing economy and explore how collaborative consumption and resource efficiency can contribute to sustainable development. The course will expose students to the technological advancements driving the sharing economy, such as blockchain, IoT, and AI. They will explore how these technologies shape sharing platforms and drive innovation. In this way, they will be able to examine emerging trends and anticipate future developments in the sharing economy.
Week 1: Introduction to the Sharing Economy-Basic concepts
Week 2: Business Models of the Sharing Economy
Week 3: Introduction to Airbnb and related platforms-Usage tools
Week 4: Typology of guests and owners-Airbnb experiences
Week 5: Delivery Management-Review Management
Week 6: Sharing Economy and Sustainable Tourism Development
Week 7: Social issues-local problems-international response
Week 8: Ethical dilemmas and social responsibility
Week 9: Economic benefits-impact in Greece
Week 10: Legal and regulatory challenges
Week 11: Entrepreneurship and innovation in the collaborative economy
Week 12: Modern tools and technologies in the Sharing Economy (blockchain, metaverse, etc.)
Week 13: Repetition through examples-Overview of lectures
- Book [112697512]: AIRBNB, Protopapadakis N. Ioannis
- In class teaching.
- Classroom exercises.
- Selected visits to related businesses.
- Lectures by scientists in the field.
- Use of notes
- Learning process support through the e-class online platform
- Short Answer Questions
- Essay Development Questions
- Optional individual essay
- Public Presentation
- Seek, analyze and synthesize data
- Autonomous work
- Team work
- Work in international environment
- Production of new research ideas
- Project design and management
SECRETARIAT72 I. Theotoki str, 1st Floor
(+30) 26610 87960, 87961, 87962