
Tourism Law

Teaching Staff: Varotsis Nikos
Course Code: TOU140
Course Category: Specialization
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Lectures
Semester: 4th
Total Hours: 4
E Class Page:

Teaching Structure:
ActivitySemester Workload
Literature Study and Analysis47
Practice and Preparation13
Course Total (ECTS: 5)125

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Short Description:

This course seeks to comprehend the concepts of Tourism Law on the one hand, and the temporal organization of the state for the conduct of public tourism policy on the other. The study of the essential legal framework of Greek tourism, with references to current legislation, is the objective goal. The operation of tourist enterprises, unique tourist infrastructures, involved entities, legislative laws in the tourism sector, tourist organizations, and the legal framework of sustainable tourism development are all given special attention. The relationship between Greek legislation and European legislation is also investigated. A fundamental goal of the course is to foster a human-centered culture for state rights. Students will be able to understand issues related to hotel and travel contracts, European contracts, the operation of tourism businesses, commercial transactions, legislation for the protection of tourism-consumers, alternative forms of tourism, tourist infrastructures, the maritime tour agreement, and the larger institutional framework that follows tourism and tourism development after successfully completing the course.

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:

On the one hand, the course aims to introduce students to elements, concepts, and practices of Private, Public, and European Law related to tourism legislation, and on the other, to understand the larger institutional framework governing tourism policy, tourism, entrepreneurship, tourism organizations, and concepts and basic elements of tourism contracts. After successfully completing the course, the student will be able to: 
• Recognize basic legal concepts.
• Knowledge of the larger tourism regulatory framework and the development of sustainable tourism.
• An examination of the legal implications of tourism contracts.
• Harmonization of tourist legislation and the tourism industry.
• While working in the tourism industry, evaluate the present tourism legislative framework.


Week 1 - Introduction to Law, Administrative Law: Concepts-Sources-Subjects of Law, Categories of Law, Subjects, and Distinctions of Law. Administrative acts, state, and public administration.

Week 2 - Civil Law Elements: Natural - Legal persons, legal transaction, right, statute of limitations, damage, fault, heresy, representation by power of attorney, tort, contract, contract kinds.

Week 3 - Commercial and European Law Elements: Merchant, commercial transaction, bankruptcy, legal standing, company, private-capital companies, securities. The establishment of the EU, treaties, sources, EU competencies, Schengen, the single market, customs control, and Brexit.

Week 4 Tourism legislation and Tourism Organizations. Discrimination, legislative framework, international tourism law, European European and tourism policy, tourism agreements, sustainability, environmental legislation, and sustainable development are all issues addressed by tourism organizations. UNWTO, WTTC, UFTAA, WATA, IHRA, ICAO, IATA, FONASBA, EOT, HCH, ΗΗΦ, SETE, HPPC, and Ministry of Tourism.

Week 5 - Tourist Industries I: Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations: Hotel units, hotel types and differences, operating conditions, other tourist accommodations, categorization, operation notification (ESL), beach use lease, penalties.

Week 6 - Tourist Enterprises II: Renting furnished rooms - apartments, tourist furnished villas, tourist camps. Other tourism businesses: Travel agencies, tourism and shipping agencies, buses services, vehicle and motorcycle rental offices, restaurants and bars, and short-stay apartments.

Week 7 - Hotel Contract: Concept, distinctions, types, substance, legal framework, contracting parties, general transaction terms, additional rights, overbooking, unforeseen development, procedural difficulties, and dispute resolution law.

Week 8 Other contract types include: guest contract, commission booking, agreement on request, timeshare, hotel leasing, and hotel management.

Week 9 - Package trip contract: Regulatory scope, legal character, contracting parties, liability for modifications to terms, and dispute resolution. Marine navigation - transport contract: legislative framework, marine contract kinds, cruise, maritime navigation legislation.

Week 10 - Tourist Protection: Customer protection, traveler protection, timeshare, air transport, marine transport, and legislation governing hotelier-customer relations.

Week 11 - Cultural heritage: Legislative framework, protective protection programs, monuments, landscapes, archaeological site protection, cultural heritage authorities, UNESCO, convention for the protection of world cultural heritage, preservation of cultural heritage.

Week 12 - Thematic and Alternative tourism: Agrotourism, fishing tourism, diving tourism, wine tourism, wellness tourism, sports tourism, green tourism, health tourism, religious tourism. 

Week 13 - Special Tourism Infrastructure: Conference centers, sports tourism centers, spa tourism centers, amusement parks, mountain refuges, ski resorts, cruise ports, and port concession agreements.

Suggested Bibliography:
  • Mylonopoulos, D. (2021). Tourism Law. Ed. NB Publications.
  • Hatzopoulou, I. (2021). Tourism Legislation. Ed. Tsotras.
  • Psychomanis, S. (2003). Tourism Law. Sakkoulas Publications.
  • Divrioti, A. (2016). The Hotel Contract. NB Publications.
  • Rizos, E. (2016) Hotel Travel Agent Contracts. Sakkoulas Publications.
  • Katsouradis, A.G., & Lagos, D.G. (Ed.) (2017). Economic and legal parameters of Greek tourism. Sakkoulas Publications.
  • Chartas, P. & Lytras P. (2017). Tourism, Tourism Development. Papazisi Publications.
  • Agallopoulou, P. (2016). Basic concepts of Civil Law. Sakkoulas Publications.
  • Akrivopoulou, X. M. & Anthopoulos, X. (2015). Introduction to Law and Constitutional Institutions. SEAB Publications.
  • Argyros, G. (2015). Internal Market Law.. SEAB Publications.
  • Georgiadis, A.S. (2019). General Principles of Civil Law. Sakkoulas Publications.
  • Georgiadis, A.S. (2018). What is Law? Crete University Press.
  • Iraklides, A. (2015). International Relations and International Politics. SEAB Publications.
  • Rokas, I. (2015). Commercial law. NB Publications.
  • Faure, M., & Dharmawan, N. K. S. (2014) Sustainable Tourism and Law. Eleven Int. Publishing.
  • Grant, D., Mason, S., & Bunce, S. (2018). Holiday Law: The Law relating to Travel and Tourism. Sweet & Maxwell.
Teaching Methods:
  • Lectures
  • Case studies
  • Assignement
New Technologies:
  • Support for the learning process via the online platform
  • ICT in the Classroom

  • Use of ICT in Student Communication

Evaluation Methods:

Final exam comprising:

- Short answer queries

- Multiple choice

- Comparative analysis of the elements of theory and case study

Assignment (40%, 3 topics of development and documentation in tourism entrepreneurship, tourism contracts, and cultural monument protection).                                                     

Students are informed of the evaluation criteria at the outset of the course.

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